1. 常见床品及其英文名称
- 床单(Fitted Sheet / Flat Sheet)
- 枕套(Pillowcase)
- 被罩(Duvet Cover)
- 被子(Comforter / Duvet)
- 床垫保护垫(Mattress Protector / Mattress Pad)
2. 清洁床品的英文表达
- 洗床单(Wash the sheets)
- 更换枕套(Change the pillowcases)
- 清洗被罩(Launder the duvet cover)
- 使用温和洗涤剂(Use a mild detergent)
- 低温烘干(Tumble dry on low heat)
3. 保养床品的英文表达
- 定期晾晒被子(Air out the comforter regularly)
- 避免使用过量洗涤剂(Avoid using too much detergent)
- 保存时保持干燥(Keep bedding dry when storing)
- 使用防尘袋存放(Store in a dust-proof bag)
- 定期翻转床垫(Rotate the mattress regularly)
4. 相关实用短语
- 换洗床上用品(Change and wash the bedding)
- 床单起球(Sheets are pilling)
- 床品缩水(Bedding has shrunk)
- 床垫有异味(The mattress has an odor)
- 防尘螨处理(Dust mite protection treatment)
5. 其他建议
- 每周至少清洗一次床单和枕套(Wash sheets and pillowcases at least once a week)
- 使用温水清洗以保证清洁效果(Wash in warm water for better cleanliness)
- 避免使用强漂白剂以防损伤织物(Avoid strong bleach to prevent fabric damage)
- 选择透气性好的面料,如棉或亚麻(Choose breathable fabrics like cotton or linen)
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